by Sean Tario | Feb 9, 2016 | Business, Business is Personal, From our Newsletter
These past few months have been especially intense and significant for me, both personally and professionally, as I navigated the storm of moving an entire 5-person family and a scaling business across the country. Despite the intensity, rollercoaster of emotions, and...
by Sean Tario | Jul 10, 2015 | Business, Featured, From our Newsletter, News, What We're Reading
How Retailers Leverage IT and Retail Data Centers for Growth “In today’s world, customers expect to shop anywhere and at any time” and that is why having the perfect colocation solution is so important for your business! Having the right servers is more important that...
by Sean Tario | Jun 17, 2014 | Case Studies, Tao of Infrastructure
I’ve been asked a number of times by providers in the industry, as well as analysts following the industry, if the regional variations on power price have been impacting the industry over the past few years or if they will be in the years to come. As such, I...
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