Fiber Optics Changing the Game… Again
I'll keep this short and sweet and let you do the learning on your own, but in brief, Intel and others have found new ways to leverage lasers and other fiber optics to make processors that are A LOT faster. The reality is that these new chips will in fact require less...
The Internet Must Go
"The Internet Must Go" is a short documentary about Net Neutrality (see trailer below) that I feel EVERYONE who uses the internet, for any purpose, MUST watch. It's smart, funny and speaks to exactly what is going on and why it matters to EVERYONE. "In 2012, market...
$10 Million Tech Fund in Santa Cruz
I sat down a few months back with my friend and fellow mover, shaker and DOER Matthew Swinnerton to discuss some of the events over the last decade that lead up to the founding of Santa Cruz Geeks, NextSpace (now in 9 locations across the country),...
Open IX Coming to the USA
If you have not heard of the concept of Open IX, I strongly recommend you become familiar with it as the tides are turning on this topic here in the states and the seeds that have been planted years ago are starting to bear fruit. Let's get started: WHAT IS OPEN IX?...
Big Brother(s) are Watching
When news came out about whistle blower Snowden releasing "classified" information about PRISM and the NSA recording conversations from the American public, I was one of many in the IT industry who responded with, "ummmmm, yeah, duh, why is this getting so much...
Cloud vs. In-House IT
It is true that AWS and other elastic compute providers are constantly lowering their pricing for compute resources on-demand. It is also true that AWS clients have the ability to reduce their rates even more by committing to minimum compute utilization thresholds....
Rent Seekers Suck
Have any of you seen the new Honda commercials that feature some of the brilliant new and inspirational technologies that have come out over the past few years? Do you laugh like I do when Honda tries to compare themselves to these innovators and market disruptions...
State of The Stack 2013
If you have anything to do with data centers or private, public, hybrid IaaS environments, you should be following Randy Bias, Founder of The man is the definition of a thought leader in this industry, and I've been blessed to have met him when...
I'll keep this short and sweet... if you're ever out looking for performance benchmarks or tools to help you get smarter about how your application(s) will run in/on/around "the cloud", you NEED to visit ASAP and especially view their "Benchmarks"...
DSE is the new PUE
In the data center world, “PUE” (Power Usage Effectiveness) has been a big thing over the past few years. The lower your PUE, the more “effective” and efficient your data center… meaning, the less the customer pays for power (in theory) and the more money a provider...