
After our 2nd annual Bocce event, hosted by OSI and sponsored by Dasher Technologies at Camp di Bocce in Los Gatos, I’m convinced that Bocce makes for the most ideal networking event humanly possible.

Bocce 8-08-2013

Here’s why:

1. Depending on the size of the crowd, everyone is divided into teams of 3 to 5 people, forcing you to get to know the other 2-4 members of your team as you compete side by side over the next 60-120 minutes.

2. Due to the nature of how the game is played, you are standing with the other team of 3 to 5 people, again, forcing you to get to know the members of this team as well during the 20-30 minutes it takes for a full match to be played.

3. When played in a round robin style, everyone is forced to play everyone, thus making this the most inconspicuous form of speed dating I’ve ever experienced.

4. Drinking and eating are allowed on the field.

5. Unlike golf, hunting or most of the other traditional networking venues that aren’t simply, “we’re meeting at this bar/restaurant at this time”, the game requires NO prior knowledge of the game or practice. In fact, I’ve found most of those who have never played the game before become ringers in no time.

6. It’s relatively cheap at @ $30-40/head including food and drinks.

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Thank you to all who came out and HUGE PROPS TO CHARLIE AND ANGELA @ DASHER for helping to make this such an awesome event.

If you are interested in participating in the next outing as a sponsor or attendee, definitely let us know! We’re already planning for the next Tournament which will likely be happening early Q1, 2014… if not sooner 🙂

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