With the rate at which technology changes, it’s important to look from all sides at cloud deployment and its effect on data centers before making the leap for your business. We worked with Open Spectrum to create this infographic below to help you consider the changes in cloud, and the future of the data center.
Consider These 8 Points To Reassess Your Cloud Deployment
There are many cloud options.
Look at both public and private cloud systems to determine which will optimally address your IT needs. Both address the growing demands on the data center in different ways and present various benefits. This decision can make or break your cloud deployment because…
Failure rate is high.
In a 2015 survey, Gartner found that 95% of businesses reported their private cloud deployments had something wrong with them. Properly configured environments lead to higher stability, but migrating your data center to the cloud will only work if you take the time to consider which model is right for you. Which means…
You might need an audit.
When deploying cloud, businesses often perform internal audits to consider which systems and apps will be affected, but that can lead to even broader audit to reassess overall operations. It’s crucial to get down to the nuts and bolts of looking at your data center needs before deploying cloud, and keep in mind…
New technologies are shaking things up.
The data center industry is different today than it was 3 or 5 years ago thanks to software-defined networking (SDN) and cloud management platforms (CMPs). With mega-cloud providers rocking the cloud scene, the data center is always evolving, and that means that more can be taken to the cloud. Consider how…
Software-defined stuff is hot.
SDN is overhauling the possibilities for data center and, consequently, cloud deployments. When deployed, SDN will most often replace an existing physical LAN/WAN network, and as such doesn’t require any specific considerations to be taken with data center deployments. But you can’t replace everything with cloud because…
You still need a robust physical infrastructure.
Research shows that – while looking to alleviate their data center demands with the cloud – IT leaders fail to consider that the cloud requires the physical infrastructure to support a cloud deployment. Make sure you focus on your infrastructure design prior to the move to the cloud so that you can plan for…
The intended (and unintended) growth of your business.
As the demands on IT environments increase, administrators must use available resources in their cloud environment to respond. Having an agile infrastructure is vital for businesses to stay competitive in today’s market, and cloud can certainly help with that goal. include a plan for change in your cloud strategy so you can manage…
8 – Potential transformation.
Cloud has potential to transform the data center. Enterprise data centers in particular are feeling the burn these days as they manage the pressures on infrastructure needs. A cloud deployment will change operations, processes, and even the people of your business. Proper assessment cannot be overstated.
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