
Recent news that Citrix has discontinued its OpenStack development effort and shifted CloudStack from a GPL license to the the Apache Software Foundation is definitely news in our world. We’ve been hearing clients and service providers going back and forth as to which is better/best to support their applications as they architect their own private elastic hosting infrastructure for well over a year with 2 very clear camps emerging.

1. Those who feel OpenStack isn’t mature enough to handle massive scale.

2. Those who feel OpenStack, though admittedly not as mature as CloudStack, will by the nature of the community supporting it quickly surpass anything that Citrix could possible try to do with CloudStack.

The best commentary on this news that we’ve found so far came from an article compiled by Rich Miller on the Cloud Computing Channel at Datacenter Knowledge. Great read as it provides the varied opinions from key players across the industry. Definitely worth reading:
Roundup: CloudStack, OpenStack and Stack Wars

For what it’s worth, our opinion mirrors that of Boris’s from Mirantis, “They have already announced CloudStack would be open source twice before, yet have received no outside contributions to date. The last commit to on GitHub by a non-Citrix employee is dated several months ago” but is tempered by that of Randy’s from Cloudscaling, “Bold move or brash decision? Only time will tell.”

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