Mark Del Bianco – I Love Data Centers Podcast Episode 27
This week on the I Love Data Centers podcast, we interview Mark Del Bianco, an attorney who represents direct sales agents and services providers in the data center industry, with experience in how drones are used for data collection.
In this podcast, Del Bianco and I discuss the EU’s GDPR, its impact on EU and American citizens, and some laws being created in the U.S. that cover Personally Identifiable Information or PII. This is an excellent chance to gain some insight on drone technology as applicable to data collection/storage and what you need to know about new laws being created that deal with how you manage PII. I believe you are sure to enjoy this one!
Mark Del Bianco – I Love Data Centers Podcast Episode 27
Episode 027 Show Notes
- 1:12 Mark Del Bianco
- 2:09 What Mark does
- 3:56 Drones
- 5:53 Mark’s upbringing
- 13:36 Advice Mark wishes he had when he started his practice
- 14:46 Successful marketing techniques that Mark used
- 20:47 What is GDPR?
- 23:29 How will GDPR be enforced?
- 26:12 What purpose did the GDPR serve?
- 27:33 What sort of data are they concerned about protecting?
- 34:39 Companies affected by GDPR
- 37:07 Effect on EU/American citizens
- 38:59 Do US-based data center providers have to worry about falling under GDPR regulations?
- 45:45 How is the EU able to pass laws that would affect EU citizens in America?
- 48:05 Are there any existing precedence to this?
- 50:45 California data privacy laws
- 54:09 What will happen to those who don’t comply?
- 59:05 The “Right To Be Forgotten”
- 1:01:26 Does GDPR mean that individual state government agencies must also be compliant?
- 1:06:57 Database engineers in the process of becoming compliant
- 1:09:26 What steps does a company need to take in order to become compliant?
- 1:13:30 What is a piece of technology you’ve seen recently that’s blown your mind?
- 1:17:19 What is a common misconception about your industry?
- 1:21:14 The most influential piece of advice Mark received at the start of his career?
- 1:25:50 Mark’s first time in a data center
- 1:27:24 How to get in contact with Mark
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